Learning Content Accessibility Spotlight

In this interview Sabrina, Ivett and I – cofounders of the LinkedIn Community Learning Content Accessibility Spotlight(LCA Spotlight), and Kim from Belvista Studios about our approach and experiences regarding Accessibility for Learning Content.

Ivett and Sabrina have been working together since March 2022 to develop and manage the LCA Spotlight. The community has had a great resonance; new people are joining daily. You’re very much welcome to join us.

UPDATE: I’m no longer active as a founder and admin in the community. But I admire Ivett’s and Sabrina’s dedication to provide a space to develop knowledge and share good practices.

Sketchnote illustrating the curb-cut effect with the text: 'When we design for disabilities, we make things better for everyone.
Sketchnote by Sketchplanations

Striving for progress, not perfection.

Co-founding this community has been a fantastic experience for me. We are far from experts, but we learn any time we discuss and prepare the spotlights and posts we share in the community. So we might become experts someday. When Ivett started looking for partners, I knew I wanted to join as a way of learning by doing and have some accountability in my work.

Being aware that designing accessibility needs is designing for all has changed my design and development process. It is not an easy task. But I’m striving for progress, not perfection. I have started making my website more accessible and soon, I will work on revamping my portfolio projects.

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