Speak to Succeed

Speak to Succeed is a scenario-based learning experience that helps professionals overcome their fears of speaking English at work.

over of Speak to Succeed with diverse project team around a table smiling to each other.
Project details


They’ve studied English for years. They know it’s not a matter of proficiency. Still, they don’t understand what’s holding them back. How can non-native professionals overcome their fears of speaking English at work and thrive professionally? 

If non-native professionals can’t manage their speaking anxiety, their performance will decrease, affecting business goals. They need to acquire a growth mindset and focus on their expertise.


A scenario-based learning experience is an engaging way to show non-native English speakers how their decisions have a real impact. It helps them recognize that their performance in the language is a matter of having the right mindset rather than being flawless.

Can you overcome your fears?
Decision Screen shows question "What do you do?" and options.


Foreign Language Anxiety is a real phenomenon that affects many professionals. I have received positive feedback on how non-native speakers can relate to the scenarios presented, finding them familiar and reflective of their own experiences. This connection highlights the emotional challenges faced by individuals when communicating in a foreign language.


In the first iteration of this project, I received constructive feedback highlighting accessibility issues, particularly due to flashy elements, which made it difficult for some users to engage with the content. I addressed this by creating a simpler version that is more accessible for users with visual disabilities and screen readers.